Aí Huu Tran
Abstract This study aims to identify and measure the impact on the Competitive capability of frozen seafood processing enterprises in BRVT province. Research access to competitiveness is based on competency theory, different from previous domestic studies primarily approaching competitiveness based on traditional competition theory and value chain theory. The research model consists of 9 factors. The study was conducted with 356 survey samples of 76 frozen seafood processing enterprises, surveyed through a questionnaire. Data analysis through SPSS 24.0. The test results have 8 accepted hypothesis, the highest impact factor is the ability to access and innovate technology with β = 0.3328 (p = 0.000) and the lowest is a local infrastructure factor with β = 0.067 (p = 0.042), and Policy and Legal Factor with β = - 0.038 (p = 0.249), there is not statistical significance should not be accepted.