Opportunistic DF-AF Selection Relaying in HybridWireless and Power Line Communication for Indoor IoT Networks

04 tháng 04 năm 2023

Hoang Thien Van, Quyet-Nguyen Van, Danh Hong Le, Hoang-Phuong Van, Jakub Jalowiczor, Hoang-Sy Nguyen and Miroslav Voznak 

Abstract: This manuscript investigates the system performance of hybrid wireless and power line communication networks for indoor Internet of Things applications. Differentiating itself from the existing literature, the performance of the direct link and dual-hop energy harvesting relay-aided links is analyzed under the condition of indoor fading modeled by log-normal distribution. Moreover, the manuscript presents the analytical expressions of the successful transmission probability of the deployed opportunistic decode-and-forward and amplify-and-forward relay selection scheme, and validates them with Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the impact of different system parameters on the successful transmission probability is revealed. For the considered hybrid system, in general, the opportunistic decode-and-forward relaying scheme outperforms the opportunistic amplify-andforward relaying scheme. As importantly, increasing the source to relay distance and power splitting ratio over certain limits significantly deteriorates the system performance, indicated by the decrease in the successful transmission probability.

: hybrid wireless and power line communication; wireless power transfer; energy harvesting; log-normal fading; opportunistic decode-and-forward and amplify-and-forward selection relaying; successful transmission probability

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